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Kriminologie, Jugendstrafrecht und Strafvollzug

Location code: 0314

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 8 am - 11.45 pm (from April 1st Monday - Friday 8 am - 8 pm)
Saturday - Sunday 10 am - 8 pm

Access to the Library of Kriminologie, Jugendstrafrecht und Strafvollzug is via the Fachbibliothek Rechtswissenschaft, 2nd floor (information desk Strafrecht).

For details, please see the library page on the institute website.


Veterinärstraße 1
80539 München
Room 403

Phone: 089 2180-5087

Fax: 089 2180-3580

How to reach us

U3, U6, bus 58, 68, 153, 154, alight at Universität


Reference library