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Citation styles Download Centre

LMU citation styles

The LMU citation styles for Citavi available for download on this web page have been developed over a number of years by the University Library in collaboration with the appropriate subject experts. Should you come across an error, or if you have a question about citation styles, please contact the address given in the right-hand service column.

We cannot accept any liability for the styles. You are responsible for checking that your finished work conforms to the standard citation practice recommended by your professor or department.

You are also welcome to send us new LMU citation styles by contacting the address given in the service column on the right-hand side.


The citation styles are backward compatible. All styles that have been created with Citavi 4 can also be used in Citavi 5. It is, however, not possible to use citation styles from Citavi 5 in earlier versions of Citavi.

You can identify a citation style that only works in Citavi 5 by the specification [Citavi 5] at the end of the indicated citation method.

If you encounter any difficulty while importing a citation style into Citavi 5, we will be pleased to help you.

Download instructions

  1. Click on the link for your chosen Citavi style.
  2. Verify your entitlement by using your LMU user ID login details to log in via the E-Media Login. The E-Media Login will open automatically if you are not already logged in.
  3. The Citavi style will now be shown as available for download in your browser window. Please save the file to your Citavi 4 sub-folder "Custom Citation Styles". Please make sure you do not inadvertently open the style instead of saving it to your computer.
  4. Now open your Citavi program and click in the menu bar under "Citation" on "Citation style", and then on "Browse citation styles" to load your style. Citavi styles have file names ending in ".ccs".
  5. You can now use your style in both your Citavi project and in Word.

Training video “Download and apply a LMU citation style for Citavi” (in German)

Download the LMU citation styles

01 Faculty of Catholic Theology

Official citation style of the Faculty (footnote-style, German) [Citavi 4 and Citavi 5]

04 Faculty of Business Administration

ISM / Prof. Tuschke (footnote-style, German)

Human resource management / Prof. Weller (Harvard-style, German)

Business and economics education / Prof. Weber (Harvard-style, German) [Citavi 5]

07 Faculty of Medicine

Vancouver numerical and alphabetical (German) [Citavi 5]

Vancouver numerical and alphabetical (English) [Citavi 5]

Vancouver strictly numerical (German) [Citavi 5]

Vancouver strictly numerical (English) [Citavi 5]
select in Citavi: Zitation > Zitationsstil > Zitationsstil wechseln > Stil suchen > Name: "Vancouver"

09 Faculty of History and the Arts

Medieval history / citation style approved by seminar according to Freytag/Piereth (footnote-style, German) [Citavi 5]
select in Citavi: Zitation > Zitationsstil > Zitationsstil wechseln > Stil suchen > Name: "Kursbuch Geschichte"

11 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Education / Prof. Markowetz (Harvard-style, German)

Art Education (footnote-style, German)

Lernbehindertenpädagogik (Special education studies) (Harvard-style, German) [Citavi 5]

PIR bei Hörschädigung (Prevention, inclusion, rehabilitation with hearing impairment) (Harvard-style, German) [Citavi 5]

12 Faculty for the Study of Culture

Current Anthropology (Harvard-style, German)

13 Faculty of Languages and Literatures

German Language and Literature Education (Harvard-style, German) [Citavi 5]

German didactics (Harvard-style, German) [Citavi 5]

Romance philology / linguistics (Harvard-style, German)

English philology / Official style of the Institute for English Studies (Harvard-style, English) [Citavi 5]

English philology / Prof. Nowak (Harvard-style, English)

15 Faculty of Social Sciences

Sociology / Prof. von Unger (Harvard-style, German) [Citavi 5]
select in Citavi: Zitation > Zitationsstil > Zitationsstil wechseln > Stil suchen > Name: "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Soziologiestudium (Leuze, von Unger)"