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LMU Open Access Fund

As of January 1, 2022, all members of the LMU, provided that they are Corresponding Author of a publication, can apply for a fixed grant from the LMU Open Access Fund for the publication fees (APC) that may be incurred for Open Access publications. The grant for Gold Open Access articles is up to 700 EUR (for articles with a publication date of 1.1.2023 or later, the subsidy increases to up to 1,400 EUR per article) and for Open Access monographs up to 5,000 EUR.

The duration of the first phase of the grant program covers the years 2022-2024.

Applications for the publication costs grant can be made via an online platform offered by the University Library. The online application tool and further detailed information on the "LMU Open Access Fund" and the funding requirements can be found on the fund's website.

Website "LMU Open Access Fund"

If the article is published by Copernicus, Frontiers, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Springer Nature or Wiley, the eligibility will be proofed before invoicing via the University Library. An application for the funding won’t be necessary

If you have any questions regarding the "LMU Open Access Fund", please contact the address of the Electronic Publishing Unit given in the service column on the right-hand side.