Information for visiting scholars
If your stay is likely to be lengthy
Access to the electronic media
Visiting academic staff with a longer researching oder teaching commitment at the LMU can obtain a LMU user ID. This ID will entitle you to use the LMU WLANs and enable you to access the University Library's electronic media collections. You should apply to the LMU IT Servicedesk for your LMU user ID.
Application for LMU user ID form (in German) (134 KB)
Learn more about the University Library E-Media Login
Borrowing books
If you are a visiting scholar with a longer-term engagement at the LMU you will be able to borrow books and other media from the University Library. You can obtain a library card at the desk in the Zentralbibliothek (Main Library).
Short-term use of the library
If your visit is expected to be short (one day, or just a few days) and you wish to use the Main Library collections, you can consult individual items in the Lesesaal Historische Sammlungen (Historical Collections Reading Room). You will not need a library card. Let us know which titles you will require at least a week before your intended visit, and include your personal details. Please send an e-mail to the following address: (for newer titles) (for titles published more than 100 years ago)
Internet access
Via Eduroam
The Münchner Wissenschaftsnetz (Munich Academic Network) is part of the international Eduroam association. This means that members of any university participating in Eduroam can easily connect to the internet via an LMU WLAN. You will require only your own home university account details. You will not usually need to make any changes to the connection settings you use at your home institution. A large number of universities from all over the world now participate in the Eduroam initiative.
You do not need a LMU user ID to access the internet. However, if you wish to use the electronic media licensed by the University Library of the LMU you will still need to obtain a LMU user ID first.
Home page of the Eduroam Initiative
BayernWLAN is accessible to everyone free of charge and with unlimited data volume via the LRZ access points. You do not need an account, just select @BayernWLAN when accessing Wi-Fi and click on “Connect”.
However, if you would also like to access the electronic media offer of the LMU University Library, a LMU user ID is required.