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Fachbibliothek Chemie und Pharmazie

Location code: 1801, 1899

Opening hours

Monday – Friday 9 am – 8 pm
Saturday 10 am – 8 pm

Short-term changes to our opening hours


Butenandtstraße 5-13 Building section F
81377 München
Room F 0a.021

Phone: 089 2180-77060

Fax: 089 2180-77860

How to reach us

U6, alight at Großhadern
Bus 268, alight at Waldhüterstraße

Who may use the library

No restrictions. Some of the workplaces can be reserved by members of the faculty 18 and must be vacated in the event of such a reservation. At busy times, the obligation to reserve may be extended to additional workplaces.

Reservations system


Barrier-free accessPhotocopier(s), Book scanner (please bring your own USB stick), WLAN
To use the lockers you need your own padlock with a shackle thickness of 6-7mm and a minimum clearance width of 16mm.

Subject focus

  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Pharmacy

Index of printed journals (531 kB) (in German), List of current periodicals (0,97 MB) (in German)

Subject-specific search tips

Location code

1801 Open access and core collection
1899 Textbook collection

Library regulations