University Library LMU

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Fachangestellte für Medien- und Informationsdienste (FaMI) (Technical Specialist in Media and Information Services)

The University Library offers traineeships leading to a qualification as FaMI specialising in libraries.

Main activities of a FaMi specialising in libraries:

  • Building and maintaining the library collections
  • Helping users to find the information they need
  • Acquiring new media for the library
  • Managerial and organisational duties

Training lasts three years and is part of the dual system: The practical part of the training period takes place in a library, the theoretical part in the Städtische Berufsschule für Medienberufe (City Training College for Media Professions) in Munich.

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB), Information on training as Technical Specialist in Media and Information Services (FaMI) (in German)

Städtische Berufsschule für Medienberufe München (in German)

Practical part of the study course Library and Information Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree

The University Library of the LMU offers a number of placements/internships as an integral part of the study course "Library and Information Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree" at the Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst / Fachbereich Archiv- und Bibliothekswesen. These courses are organised on an internal state administrative basis, with applicants adopting the status of Beamte (civil servants).

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB), Information on the qualification Library and Information Sciences – Bachelor’s Degree (in German)

Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst in Bayern / Fachbereich Archiv- und Bibliothekswesen (in German)


We regret that the resources of the University Library of the LMU do not allow us to offer more than a very limited number of placements/internships. This includes placements/internships forming part of exchange programmes such as the ERASMUS Staff Mobility Programme.

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