University Library LMU

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Legal basis

Overall legal regulations governing the University Library

The services provided by the University Library are subject to the provisions of a range of legal standards and guidelines. The following standards apply to the whole University Library:

General regulations governing the use of the Bavarian State Libraries (ABOB) (in German)

Regulation for the library system (28 kB) (in German)

University Library list of service fees (144 kB) (in German)

LMU house rules (19 KB) (in German)

Terms of usage for lockers (117 KB)

Regulations governing the historic collections

The following conditions apply to the use of the historic collections of the University Library:

Historic collections certificate of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) (72 kB) (in German)

Conditions governing the loan of materials from the Bavarian State Libraries for exhibition purposes (90 kB) (in German)

Bavarian archive law. Articles 10 and 11 of this law regulate the use of literary estates (in German)

Further regulations

The following additional regulations also apply to the University Library:

Bavarian law on fees and charges (in German)

Index of fees and charges relating to the Law on fees and charges (in particular the current No. 3.III.2 of the Supplement to the Index of fees and charges) (in German) 

Law on the submission of legal deposit copies (in German)

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