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Fachbibliothek Psychologie, Pädagogik und Soziologie

Location code: 1100, 1101, 1105, 1199

Opening hours

Please note the current lending conditions and terms of use:

Information on the services of the University Library, which still are partially modified, can be found on the corresponding websites: 

• Borrowing

Subject Library

Monday – Friday 8 am – 10 pm
Saturday 10 am – 8 pm

Short-term changes to our opening hours


Leopoldstraße 13, Building section 2
80802 München

Phone: 089 2180-5292

How to reach us

U3, U6, bus 54, 58, 68, 154 alight at Giselastraße
Bus 58, 68, 154, alight at Georgenstraße

Who may use the library

No restrictions. Some of the worksplaces can be reserved by members of the faculties 11 (Psychologie, Pädagogik) and 15 (Soziologie) and must be vacated in the event of such a reservation. At busy times, the obligation to reserve may be extended to additional worksplaces.

Reservations system

Subject focus

  • Education
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

Testothek special collection

Loan of test materials
Monday - Friday 10 am - 12 noon

Borrowing privileges apply to the following users:
Academic staff and students of the Department of Psychology including the subjects School Psychology (also a cooperation course with the Technische Universität München), Industrial Psychology, Special Education, Speech Therapy, Prevention, Inclusion and Rehabilitation (PIR) for Hearing Loss, Guidance Counselling, Learning Sciences, trainees of the Münchner Universitäres Institut für Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie-Ausbildung (MUNIK), trainees of the Münchner Universitäres Institut für Psychologische Psychotherapieausbildung (MUNIP)

Other users are asked to complete the application form "Antrag zur Sondergenehmigung zur Nutzung der Testothek" (Application for special permission to use the Testothek) (Prerequisite for the test loan: the user must be enrolled at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität or the Technische Universität München)

Loan period: 2 weeks. You can borrow a maximum of 4 tests at any one time

If you wish to borrow test material please come to the desk with your library card and identification indicating your entitlement (employee or student ID card, enrolment certificate, special permission confirmation), together with the call number of the desired test.
For technical reasons it is not possible to order, reserve or renew tests in the online catalogue.

Regulation for the Testothek special collection (in German, 164 KB)

Application for special permission to use the Testothek (in German, 152 KB)

Hints on searching for tests in the University Library online catalogue (in German)


Subject-specific search tips

Location code

1100 Open access and core collection
1101 stack collection
1105 Special collection, Testothek
1199 Textbook collection

Library regulations