An increasing number of providers are now supporting Shibboleth as a means of accessing licensed e-media products independent of the user's location. Using the Shibboleth procedure, you can log in to the provider's website using your LMU user ID. Strictly speaking, it is not the provider who carries out the registration process but the LMU as “Identity Provider”, after which the successful login is forwarded to the provider's website.
Detailed information on Shibboleth is available on the LRZ website
How to log in with Shibboleth:
- Go to the desired provider's website.
- Look for the institutional login.
- Sometimes this requires two steps. First click on "Log in" or "Sign in". A new selection window will then open: From here, select the option to log in in via your institution. Do not enter personal login details or e-mail address.
- With other providers you can directly select a link "Institutional login" or "Log in via Shibboleth".
- You will now either be asked to enter the name of your institution or you will be directed to a list of universities and libraries.
- If a search field opens: Try using terms such as "LMU", "Muenchen", "Munich" or "Ludwig".
- If you are shown a list: Choose "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München", "Universitätsbibliothek (LMU)" or "University of Munich". The exact designation can vary according to the provider. If you are asked to enter a "Group", "Region" or "Federation", select "German Higher Education and Research (DFN-AAI)" and look for the appropriate entry for the LMU.
- You will now be directed to an LMU login page. Log in here with your LMU user ID.
- You will then be directed back to the provider's website. There you will now be recognised as member of the LMU and will be able to access the full texts of the desired resources, providing that the University Library of the LMU has licensed the resources in question
Overview of accessible platforms
Not all providers support Shibboleth. Shibboleth access for members of the LMU is currently available for the following electronic resources:
- ACM Digital Library
- Adam Matthew
- Alexander Street Press
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- American Physical Society (APS)
- American Psychiatric Association (APA)
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
- Amsterdam University Press
- Annual Reviews
- Beck eLibrary
- BioOne
- Bloomsbury Collections
- Bloomsbury Drama Online Library
- Brepols Online (E-Journals)
- Brill (E-Journals, E-Books)
- Brill Dictionaries
- Brill Primary Sources
- Brill Reference Works
- Bristol University Press
- British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Cambridge University Press
- Company of Biologists
- Content Select
- DAV Mediengruppe (Hirzel, Steiner, DAV, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft)
- De Gruyter
- Duke University Press
- Duncker & Humblot
- EBSCOhost
- Edward Elgar
- Elsevier ScienceDirect
- Emerald
- Erich Schmidt Verlag
- Exact Editions
- FAZ-Bibliotheksportal (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
- HeinOnline
- Hirzel
- Hogrefe eContent
- Hogrefe eLibrary
- IEEE Xplore
- Ingenta Connect
- Institute of Physics (IOP)
- JAMA Psychiatry
- John Benjamins
- Journal Citation Reports
- JoVE
- Karger
- Meiner
- MIT Press
- Mohr Siebeck
- Munzinger (Der Spiegel)
- Nature
- New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
- Nomos
- OECD iLibrary
- Optica Publishing Group
- Ovid (E-Journals, E-Books, Embase)
- Oxford University Press
- Pearson eLibrary
- Pressreader
- Project Euclid
- ProQuest (databases; not: ProQuest eBook Central)
- Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
- Reaxys
- Rockefeller University Press
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Royal Society (London)
- SAGE Journals
- SAGE Knowledge
- Scholarly Publishing Collective
- Science (AAAS)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Springer Nature Link
- Statista
- Steiner eLibrary
- Taylor & Francis (E-Books)
- Taylor & Francis (E-Journals)
- Theatre record
- Thieme Connect
- Thieme eRef
- Torrossa
- University of California Press
- University of Chicago Press
- University of Toronto Press
- utb elibrary
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- Web of Science
- Wiley Online Library
- wiso
- World Scientific
You can also access the resources listed here via the E-Media Login. All other resources licensed by the University Library can also be accessed via the E-Media Login.
Terms of use
The LMU user ID enables members of the LMU to access the electronic media provided by the University Library.
Personal login details must under no circumstances be passed on to third parties.
The electronic media licensed by the Library are generally subject to copyright regulations. In addition the following terms of use apply:
- Only members of the LMU Munich are permitted to access full texts.
- The full texts may only be printed or saved for personal use, or for teaching and research purposes. Any commercial reuse is prohibited.
- The systematic downloading of articles or search results, especially using web robots, is prohibited. Failure to observe rules these may result in access to the publisher's server being blocked for the entire campus.
- Full texts may not be passed on to third parties in either electronic or printed form.
- Names and copyright information may not be altered or deleted.
- Specific terms of use applicable to individual providers can be found on the appropriate publisher's website.
Please note that when citing literature that you have accessed via the E-Media Login the URLs thus created cannot be cited since they are only valid for the limited circle of LMU members.