University Library LMU

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Most of the University Library's holdings are available for loan. You will need your LMUcard or a library card to borrow media.

Zentralbibliothek (Main Library)

The loan collections of the Zentralbibliothek (Main Library) are housed in the stacks. If you want to borrow media for off-site use you will need to search for the titles you need in the online catalogue and submit an order for them to be fetched from the stacks.

Textbook collections

The textbooks in the Lernzentrum Leo 13 (Leo 13 Learning Centre) and in the textbook collections of the Subject Libraries are on open access. You can borrow these books immediately without ordering them first.

Subject Libraries

Lending conditions don´t vary amongst the Subject Libraries of the University Library. You will find detailed information on loan availability in the left-hand navigation bar. You can also contact library staff on-site whenever you are in the library.

Ordering online

Find out how to order media from the closed stacks for off-site loan.


What to do if a title you want to borrow is already out on loan.

Number of items you can

Please check to see how many volumes you are permitted to borrow at any one time.

Borrowing from the Zentralbibliothek

Please make sure you know where to pick up the media you have ordered and what else you need to note.

Borrowing from the textbook collections

How to borrow media from the University Library's various textbook collections

Borrowing from the Subject Libraries

Please make sure you are familiar with the borrowing regulations in the 14 Subject Libraries of the University Library system.


If your media are due for return and you require them for longer you may renew your loan.


Please make sure you know where and when to return books you have borrowed.

Overdue notice

Find out what steps to take if your media are overdue.

Lost books

If you have lost or mislaid an item, please take the following steps.