LMUcard & Library card
The LMUcard is the LMU's multifunctional chip card for students and doctoral candidates currently enrolled at the LMU. Professors and employees of the University may also ask to receive an LMUcard if they so wish.
If you have already received an LMUcard as a student or employee of the LMU, please note that library privileges are already included on your LMUcard. All other users can ask to receive a library card.
The University Library card is free of charge. LMUcard and University Library card are also valid in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB).
With your LMUcard or library card you can:
- borrow media from the Zentralbibliothek (Main Library)
- borrow media from the Lernzentrum Leo 13 (Leo 13 Learning Centre, formerly: Zentrale Lehrbuchsammlung)
- borrow media from some Subject Libraries
- reserve media
- extend the loan period
- use the inter-library loans service
- edit personal data in your library account or online in the LMU Portal of the Studentenkanzlei
- use the Campus Delivery Service (Campuslieferdienst) if you are a member of staff
Library card
Find out where you can get your library card and what you need to do to register as a new user.