University Library LMU

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The University Library's collections include a collection of 1,200 ex-libris bookplates arranged alphabetically. In addition the University Library houses the ex-libris collection of Dr. Hermann Wiese (1935-2009). This private collection, amassed over several decades, comprises about 30,000 items. Its size and variety make the collection unique. In 1995 it was designated the best private collection by the "World of Ex-libris" association in Belgrade.

Since the collection has only been partially indexed, consultation is only available by appointment and in exceptional cases.


Since the student protest movements of the winter term 1967/68 the University Library has endeavoured to collect all pamphlets distributed on LMU premises. The collection currently comprises about 7,500 pamphlets arranged in chronological order.

Other collections

Among the Library's historic holdings are several collections acquired over the past years:

  • 29 incunabula single sheet prints and fragments (2° and 1201a)
  • 178 thesis sheets, university calendars, Ingolstadt University scholarly poems from the 15th and 16th centuries (W 2° H.lit. 176)
  • Commands of the German emperors, Bavarian rulers and other territories from the beginning of the 16th century until 1825 (2° Jus 1746-1782)
  • Remembrance cards and "Totenroteln" (memorial rolls) from German monasteries (W 2° H.eccl. 928 u. 946), together with celebratory and funeral sermons in honour of German princes (W 2° H.eccl. 930-937), the latter genres both dating from the 17th and 18th centuries
  • Munich playbills 1781-1787 (W 4° P.germ. 212)
  • Broadsheets from the Greek war of independence 1820-30 (8° Hist. 6575)
  • Pamphlets and newspapers on the German Revolution and the National Assembly 1848-1850 (W 2° Hist. 2554-2566; 8° Hist. 8159, 8163, 8194-8222)
  • Pamphlets from the First World War, the peace movement, the revolution in Bavaria and the elections 1918-19 (W 4° Don. 8-43)
  • Collection of etchings and drawings (Hirsch Collection) comprising around 1,000 objects
  • Collection of material on the history of Munich University Library, from its foundation in Ingolstadt until well into the post-war period (21 shelf metres)
  • Sammlung Weiße Rose (White Rose Collection, 7 box files)
  • Collection of photographs on the history of the University Library in the 20th century (6 box files)
  • Collection of outstanding book cover fragments (2 box files)
  • Collections of rare book fragments (20 shelf metres)
  • Collection of historical wall maps (90 objects)

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