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Herzogliches Georgianum

The Herzogliches Georgianum (Georgianum Ducal Foundation) is the second oldest seminary in the world. Its library, focusing mainly on theology, comprises 75,000 volumes. The 40,000 volumes in the historic book collections date mainly from the 18th century.

The Rare Books Division of the University Library has been responsible for the Library of the Georgianum since autumn 2011.

To date, most of the holdings of the Georgianum Library have not yet been indexed in the Bavarian Library Network catalogue. It is currently not possible to search the holdings online; the only access at present is via a card catalogue. The holdings are to be indexed step by step in the University Library's online catalogue under the location code 0017.

The Library is for reference only; the books may not be borrowed. Members of the Georgianum and other interested scholars are welcome to use the holdings on-site for research purposes.

Further information:

Essay on the history of the library of the Georgianum Ducal Foundation (438 kB) (in German)

Georgianum Ducal Foundation website (in German)

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