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The term Bibliometrics denotes the quantitative analysis and evaluation of the publication-related behaviour of scholars or research institutions.

A variety of data sources can be used in generating bibliometric surveys. The following databases are available to LMU Munich members:

  • the publication and citation database Web of Science,
  • including the additional component Incites for more comprehensive research evaluation, and
  • die Journal Citation Reports, with which the Journal Impact Factor of a given journal can be determined.

The Bibliometrics Division of the University Library will be happy to answer any questions you may have on this topic. Please see the right-hand column for contact details. In addition, the University Library offers LMU members a publication and citation analysis service.

Indication of affiliation on publications

Publications by LMU scholars should be clearly attributable to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. It is therefore essential to use the correct designation of LMU on the publication.

In a letter dated 31/07/2023, the President of LMU stipulated the correct designation of LMU in both German and English:

  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
  • LMU Munich

The President's letter on the indication of affiliation.

The Research Organization Registry Identifier (ROR ID) is a sustainable and unique identifier for research organisations worldwide. The ROR ID for LMU is

The appropriate Chair, working group, institute, clinic etc. can also be specified.
For affiliation with multiple institutions the following applies:

  • first, give the name of the institution where the main portion of the scholarly work was carried out,
  • then give the names of the other institutions.

To ensure your affiliation is recognised, please use your institutional e-mail address when submitting your work.

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