University Library LMU

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Open Access publishing

Open Access stands for free and unlimited access to scholarly publications on the internet. The University Library maintains 4 publications servers (repositories) enabling LMU members to publish their scholarly works electronically.

Scholars of all LMU faculties are invited to store their publications on the servers in accordance with the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities".

Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities

Open Access image film by the University Library of the LMU (in German; length 6 mins.)

Information platform

Your own publications

Publish the results of your research on Open Access, create a list of your own publications or launch an online journal.


Find out more about the already existing framework contracts governing open access publishing between the University Library and publishers.

LMU Open Access Fund

The LMU Open Access Fund can be used to apply for a fixed grant for publication fees incurred for Gold Open Access publications.

DEAL contracts

The nationwide DEAL agreement provides members of the LMU with new ways of publishing their research results Open Access.

Financing our infrastructure

The University Library participates in numerous projects aimed at promoting Open Access in scholarship.