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Thesis submission

Electronic publication | Print publication by a publishing house | Reproduction as author-publisher | Habilitationsschriften |Open Publishing LMU

The following options are available to you for the publication of your thesis:

  • electronic publication on the University Library's theses repository "Electronic Theses of LMU Munich", provided the official regulations of your faculty permit publication in electronic form
  • print reproduction as author-publisher (Copy/print)
  • print publication by a publishing house
  • parallel digital and print edition by a publisher (Open Publishing LMU)

The turning in of your thesis is required procedure as the submission of your thesis is part of your promotion process. The regulations for turning in theses vary from faculty to faculty. For each faculty, there is a leaflet with the most important pieces of information.

You can submit your copies either personally, by a third person or by postal mail. If you send your thesis from a non EU country please ask for customs regulations in advance. Parcles held at German customs will be returned to the sender! 

Postal mail
Universitätsbibliothek der LMU, Publikationsdienste Dissertationen, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München

Submit personally
Monday – Friday 9.00 am - noon, Leopoldstr. 13, Building section 1, room 1108

Leaflets with information on the submission of theses

Electronic publication on the University Library's theses repository

Uploading your file

If you decide you want to publish your thesis as a new title on the University Library's theses repository "Electronic Theses of LMU Munich", you can upload your thesis to the repository yourself. You will find directions on uploading by clicking the blue button "Instructions".

Direct link to "Electronic Theses of LMU Munich"

Directions on uploading an electronic thesis

Submitting printed copies

We advise you to upload your dissertation first and print only when you have received confirmation by e-mail that the upload is OK. You will find details on the number of copies you must submit in the current promotion regulations for your subject. The copies must be durably bound. We cannot accept ring or spiral bindings.

Patent application

If your thesis is associated with a patent application, you can request the University Library to defer the publication of both the statutory printed copies and the electronic version of your thesis. Please check if your faculty makes provision for this.

Please upload the electronic version of your thesis anyhow to the University Library's theses repository. Submit the completed and signed "Form for the issue of a blocking note due to a patent application" together with the printed statutory copies.

Form for the issue of a blocking note due to a patent application (186 kB, pdf)

Form for the suspension of a blocking note due to a patent application (196 kB, pdf)

Journal publication

Should your faculty make provision for theses to be published after some time if published in a journal you can request the University Library to defer the publication of both the statutory printed copies and the electronic version of your thesis.

Please upload the electronic version of your thesis anyhow to the University Library's theses repository. Submit the completed and signed "Form for the issue of a blocking note due to publishing in a journal" together with the printed statutory copies.

Form for the issue of a blocking note due to publishing in a journal (63 kB, pdf)


Print publication by a publishing house as a new title

You will find details on the number of copies you must submit in the current promotion regulations for your subject if you publish your thesis as a book in a regular publishing house. In all printed copies available through bookstores an explicit statement must be found that the book is a thesis of the LMU in Munich. In addition the copies you submit must contain the so called "Fakultätstitelblatt" (faculty title page).

If you have published your thesis as a new title through a publishing house you will be welcome to re-publish it on the University Library's theses repository ”Electronic Theses of LMU Munich” once the exploitation rights have been clarified.

Faculty pages for thesis of the LMU Munich

How to paste the faculty title page into a publisher edition (58 kB. pdf)


Reproduction as author-publisher

Some faculties allow fulfilling your obligation to publish your thesis by having your thesis printed and bound in a copyshop. In this case, please consult the promotion regulations applicable to your subject to find out how many copies you must submit to the University Library.

You are also welcome to ensure your thesis is available worldwide by publishing it in parallel on the free University Library's theses


Please check the regulations of your faculty if you have to submit your "Habilitationsschrift" at all. If a title page is compulsive you'll find it in the "Habilitationsordnung" of your faculty.

Open Publishing LMU: Publish with a publishing house and in digital form simultaneously

In cooperation with a publishing house, the University Library provides an inexpensive opportunity to publish theses with a publisher and simultaneously electronically: Open Publishing LMU. With Open Publishing LMU, you fulfil your obligation to publish with a printed publication through a professional publisher. Depending on the respective regulations between 2 and 5 books must be turned in to ”Publikationsdienste Dissertationen" (Publication Services Theses).

  • Doctoral candidates and post-docs of the LMU publish their theses with the author’s own fundings in the series "Dissertationen der LMU“ or „Habilitationsschriften der LMU“respectively.
  • Outstanding doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences can publish their dissertation in the funded series "Open Publishing in the Humanities" (OPH).

The electronic edition will appear on the platform Electronic Theses of the LMU Munich. The simultaneous publication on the platform is mandatory.
The series OPH is additionally presented on its own website.

Website Open Publishing in the Humanities

With Open Publishing LMU the authors retain all usage rights, thus enabling them to publish elsewhere at any time.

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