Reference management
Citavi and EndNote
The two well-established reference management programs Citavi and EndNote can be downloaded free by staff and students of the LMU through the LMU campus licence.
- Reference management programs make academic writing much easier.
- They can help you collect the results of your literature searches in one place and keep track of your progress.
- You can insert citations into your work in a few easy steps and automatically create a list of references formatted in your chosen citation style.
A hint on choosing the best software: Ask members of your subject community if there is any clear preference for either of the two programs.
Find out how to install Citavi and get help from the University Library's support service, with hints and tips, e-tutorials and one-on-one personal contact.
Get basic information on installing EndNote and take advantage of the University Library's support service's offers of hints and tips, e-tutorials and one-on-one personal contact.