Databases (DBIS)
The Datenbank-Infosystem (Database Information System - DBIS) is a list of all the general and subject-related databases indexing scholarly literature and licensed by the University Library, often including full texts.
Direct link to the Datenbank-Infosystem (Database Information System - DBIS)
Searching for relevant databases in DBIS
- Search using a search field to enter the name of the database
- Search using the subject list
- Search using the alphabetical list
When you click on a database in the DBIS index, a short description of its contents will be displayed. Please check to see if any special terms of use are specified. All databases can be accessed both from within the campus network of the LMU and externally via the E-Media Login.
Bibliographical databases
Bibliographical databases contain references to literature on specific subjects. The majority of these databases consist of collections of bibliographical references relating to a particular academic field. Sometimes direct links to the respective full texts are included.
Should the database you are using not contain full texts, look for a button with the symbol SFX. The SFX link resolver checks whether the University Library can grant you access to the full text on the basis of one of our other licences.
Factual databases
In addition to bibliographical databases, the University Library has also licensed a range of databases containing factual information (for example statistical material) or journalistic content (for example newspaper archives).
Further information about the DBIS
DBIS information page (in German)
E-tutorial "Ich suche einen Aufsatz" ("I'm looking for a journal article") (in German)