Online catalogue (OPAC)
University Library introductory courses | Functions | Univ. Lib. holdings | Articles & more
A search of the online catalogue of the University Library, will return matches from both the tabs “University Library holdings” and “Articles & more”.
Direct link to the online catalogue
University Library introductory courses
To make it easier for you to get started with the online catalogue (OPAC) and to show you how to effectively and efficiently research literature for your academic work, the UB offers courses on literature research in the OPAC.
Course “The new OPAC (online catalogue) of the University Library” (in German)
E-Tutorial "Searching the OPAC" (in German)
Functions of the online catalogue
- The online catalogue will direct you straight to the full texts of electronic media (e-books or e-journals) via the E-Media Login.
- For printed books or journals the online catalogue will list the locations and call numbers under which you can find each item on-site. After logging in you will be able to submit a request or a reservation for an individual copy.
- If the title you are looking for is not held by the University Library, and you wish to broaden your search to include the total holdings of all Bavarian libraries, please search the Bavarian Library Network via Gateway Bayern. You can also use this option to submit interlibrary loan requests.
- Use the tab “Your account” to check your current loans, requests and fees, and to keep your personal details up to date. Here you can also change your password, or use ePayment to settle outstanding fees.
Univ. Lib. holdings
The tab “Univ. Lib. holdings” lists all results matching your search query from the print and online collections held at, or licensed by, the LMU University Library. This part is linked to our lending system, enabling the availability and loan status of the item to be displayed.
However, you will not find any journal articles or excerpts from books in “Univ. Lib. holdings”. To search for these, please use our subject databases, or the tab “Articles & more”.
Articles & more
The tab “Articles & more” has access to the Discovery Service “Primo Central Discovery Index (CDI)” from Ex Libris. This resource contains 5 billion records, including journal and anthology articles, reviews, conference reports, theses, newspaper articles, and much more.
This option will initiate a search of databases such as BioMed Central, JSTOR, Web of Science, wiso Wirtschaftswissenschaften or MLA International Bibliography, and is not limited to the holdings of the University Library.
Also included in the search are electronic journals and e-books from leading academic publishers such as Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press.
Additional results will be retrieved from the open access holdings of the University Library and other academic institutions.
Full texts of items licensed by LMU are available to LMU members via the SFX link resolver. Please note that these listings may also include works not held by the LMU University Library.
For comprehensive literature searches we recommend using our bibliographic databases, listed in the Database Information System DBIS. The CDI does not list all our licences; some subjects such as law are distinctly under-represented.
Using “Articles & more”
- This is a particularly good way to get started on researching a new topic.
- Use the service to find a particular article for which you already have the details. You will quickly find out if the article is held by the University Library, and in many cases you will also be able to access the full text.
- However, this is not a substitute for a direct search in a subject database. To conduct a comprehensive scholarly search, the best method is to search the specialised academic subject databases offered by the University Library. You will find a list of the most important databases for your particular subject in the Datenbank-Infosystem (Database Information System - DBIS).
Helpful tips on searching for articles
Direct link to the Datenbank-Infosystem (Database Information System - DBIS)