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Citation styles Download Centre

Summary of citation styles | Download instructions | Download the LMU citation styles | Download the German-language citation styles

Summary of citation styles

LMU citation styles

Many professors and departments of the LMU have developed their own citation styles which you can download and use. You will find the download links further down on this web page. Please note that the University Library cannot accept any liability for these styles. Please make sure you check that your finished work conforms to the citations standards of your professor or department.

Should you have a question, discover an error in the citation styles or wish to make an LMU citation style available for others to use via this web site, we would be happy to hear from you. Please get in touch with the contact partner shown in the service column on the right-hand side of this web page.

Download the LMU citation styles

German-language citation styles for EndNote

The program EndNote chiefly works with citation styles (Output Styles) from the English-speaking regions but you will find download links to the few existing German EndNote citation styles on the German version of our website.

Download German-language citation styles for EndNote

All citation styles forEndNote 

The more than 5,000 additional citation styles provided by EndNote are available for download on EndNote's website. Load the style you want to use from the EndNote website via the download button.

Download citation styles from the EndNote websitetop

Download instructions

  1. Simply click on the desired link in the section "Download citation styles" on this web page and login in via the E-Media Login using your LMU user ID login details.
  2. The style will be displayed for download in your browser window. Select the option "Save" to save the style to your computer. The style will usually be saved to your Download folder. EndNote styles have file names ending in ".ens".
  3. Add the downloaded citation style to the sub-folder „Styles”.
  4. Now invoke the new citation style from within your EndNote Library: Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager, then highlight the newly-added style and click to select.

Unfortunately the EndNote Style page offers very little in the way of filter function and there is no style preview available.


Download the LMU citation styles

04 Faculty of Business Administration 

Business management / Electronic Commerce and Digital Markets / Prof. Spann (Harvard and footnote-styles, German)

Business management IOM (Harvard and footnote-styles, German)

Business management / ISM / Prof. Tuschke (footnote-style, German)

Business management / ISM / Prof. Tuschke (footnote-style, English)

Business management / Marketing / Prof. Meyer (Harvard-style, German, footnote page numbers within the parantheses)

Business management / Marketing / Prof. Meyer (Harvard-style, German, footnote page numbers outside the parantheses)

Business management / Human resource management / Prof. Weller (Harvard-style, German)

Business management / IMM / Prof. Schwaiger (Harvard-style, German)

Business management / WIM / Prof. Hess (Harvard-style, German, „S.” already integrated into style)

Business management / WIM / Prof. Hess (Harvard-style, English, „p.” already integrated into style)

Business management / Business and economics education / Prof. Weber (Harvard-style, German)

07 Faculty of Medicine

Medicine / Gynaecology (numerical, superscript numbers)

Medicine / TUM / Deutsches Herzzentrum (German Heart Centre) / Prof. Kaemmerer (numerical, German)

Medicine / TUM and LMU / Doctorate (Harvard-style, square brackets, German)

Medicine / TUM (Harvard-style, English)

Medicine / numerical and alphabetical (square brackets, English)

Medicine / numerical and alphabetical (round brackets, English)

08 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary medicine (faculty style) (Harvard-style, English)

Veterinary medicine / Hygiene und Technologie der Milch (Milk Hygiene and Technology) / Prof. Märtlbauer (Harvard-style, English)

Veterinary medicine / Animal hygiene / Prof. Erhard (Harvard-style, German)

09 Faculty of History and the Arts

Theatre studies (footnote-style, German)

11 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Education / Logopaedics / Die Sprachheilarbeit (journal) (Harvard-style, German)

12 Faculty for the Study of Culture

European ethnology / Prof. Moser (Harvard-style, German)

Sinology / Prof. Höllmann (Harvard-style English)

13 Faculty of Languages and Literatures

English philology / Prof. Nowak (Harvard-Style, English)

German philology / Speech therapy (Harvard-style, German)

German philology / Speech therapy / EKN (Clinical Neuropsychology) (Harvard-style, German)

German philology / Prof. Noel (Bamberg University) (Harvard-style, German)

Romance philology (Harvard-style, German)

15 Faculty of Social Sciences

 Political science / International relations (footnote-style, German)

18 Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

 Chemistry and pharmacy (CUP) (numerical, superscript numbers, based on „Angewandte Chemie”)top

Download German-language citation styles for EndNote 

Arbeitstechniken Literaturwissenschaft (nach Moenninghoff/Meyer-Krentler) (Fußnoten, deutsch)

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) (Fußnoten, deutsch)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) (Im-Text-Stil, deutsch)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) (Im-Text-Stil, deutsch, mit Seitenangabe in der Klammer)

Juristischer Zitierstil (Version 1) (Fußnoten, deutsch)

Juristischer Zitierstil (Version 2) (Fußnoten, deutsch) 

Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS) (Im-Text-Stil, deutsch)

Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften (Im-Text-Stil, deutsch)

Soziale Welt (SozW - Zeitschrift) (Im-Text-Stil, deutsch)

Autor-Jahr (Im-Text-Stil, deutsch) top