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Connection Files Download Centre

Importing data into EndNote with Connection Files | List of Connection Files

Importing data into EndNote with Connection Files

You will require Connection Files if you want to search in certain databases directly from within EndNote ("Online Search" in EndNote). If you wish to use this research method and are a Windows user you will need to download the appropriate files from the University Library's website.

Mac (Apple OSX) users should download the files from EndNote's own website. Please note the detailed information in the following sections.

Connection Files for Windows

For licensing reasons only LMU members may download the Connection Files. To get the Connection Files, please log in via our E-Media Login to authenticate your access.

List of Connection Files for Windows computers

How to embed a Connection File in your EndNote installation

  1. Search for and download the Connection File for your chosen database.
  2. Copy the file from your download folder in Explorer on your computer. Please note that the Connection Files have file names ending in "enz".
  3. Paste the file into the folder C:Programme\EndNote X7\Connections.

If you have any problems downloading the file, please send an e-mail to the contact partner listed in the service column on the right. Please include in your e-mail full details of the EndNote file you require. Please also include your matriculation number or proof that you work for or with the LMU.

If required, you can adapt the Connection Files to fit your needs. More information is available on the EndNote developer's website.

Connection Files for the Mac 

If you use a Mac, please download the required Connection Files using the link to the EndNote developer's website below this section.

Download Connection Files from the EndNote website

How to embed a Connection File in your EndNote installation

  • Please save the Connection File to the following folder on your computer: HD>Applications>EndNote X7>Connections.
  • If required, adapt the Connection File to fit your needs.
  • The Connection File will now be available for online searching in EndNote.
  • If you are asked for a user name or password when searching, it means access to the database you are using is limited.


List of Connection Files for Windows computers

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