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EndNote support

University Library introductory courses

The University Library offers a number of general training courses to help you get started and to incorporate EndNote seamlessly into your academic work process.

Course "Introduction to EndNote" (on-site attendance, in German)


Introductions, directions and tips for EndNote users

Introductions and directions


Important tips

  • If the citations you have inserted into your Word document with EndNote suddenly look like this: {Schmidt, 2008 #54}, it means that the so-called "Instant Formatting" function has been deactivated. You are therefore no longer seeing the formatting provided by your chosen citation style but a kind of background image of the citation record. Go to the EndNote menu bar at the top of your Word file and switch „Instant Formatting” back on.
  • Never re-name an EndNote Library. This will render the file unusable.
  • Please do not delete or move the Data folder of your EndNote Library. This will render your Library unusable.
  • Please use only one EndNote Library per Word document. You can create as many EndNote Libraries as you like, but you may only use one Library per Word document for writing and citation purposes.
  • Please do not work from an EndNote Library in Dropbox or Google Drive. This will damage the file and render it unusable.
  • Please make regular backups of your EndNote Library and its associated Data folder. Open the EndNote Library and go to File > Save a Copy in the menu bar. EndNote will now make a copy of the Library and the Data folder.


Special tips for EndNote users

Importing search results into EndNote from the online catalogue

  1. Please use Mozilla Firefox as your browser.
  2. Conduct your search in the online catalogue as usual.
  3. Add your selected results (books, journals etc.) to your watch list by simply clicking on the link "Add to My List" below each title.
  4. Click on the tab "My List" in the menu bar above your search results.
  5. Switch the display from "Brief records" to "Full records".
  6. Above your search results click on "Save" and choose "Endnote".
  7. Click on the link "Save".
  8. At the "Open with" prompt in the Mozilla import window select EndNote as program of choice and click on "OK".
  9. If necessary, correct special characters or reference type from within your EndNote Library.


Finding full texts with EndNote

For members of the LMU, it is possible to use EndNote to search for full-text PDFs in the databases that have been licensed by the University Library.

  1. If you wish to use this service, please change the settings in EndNote as follows: First select "Edit" in the EndNote menu bar.
  2. Then choose "Preferences" (Apple OSX: Select "EndNote X7" in the top menu bar, then "Preferences").
  3. Click on the option "Find Full Text".
  4. In the "OpenURL Path" field in the input mask enter "".
  5. Enter "" in the field "URL".

EndNot producer's directions on finding full text in EndNote (1,7 MB)

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