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E-Learning | Department of Statistics | Open Science Center | FDM-DH Service Center | Learning modules at FAU

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E-Learning course via Moodle

You can register for LMU Munich's e-learning courses on the LMU Moodle platform, using your LMU user credentials. The courses have been developed by the GraduateCenterLMU and are available in both German and English.

  • “Forschungsdaten und Forschungsdatenmanagement” (Einschreibeschlüssel: GC_FDM_2022)
  • “Research Data and Research Data Management” (Enrolment Key: GC_RDM_2023)
  • “Wissenschaftliche Integrität und gute wissenschaftliche Praxis” (Einschreibeschlüssel: GC_RI_2020)
  • “Research Integrity and Good Scientific Practice” (Enrolment Key: GC_GSP_2021)

More information on the GraduateCenterLMU, together with the corresponding course descriptions and enrolment keys, can be found here:

Information on e-learning courses at the GraduateCenterLMU

Department of Statistics

The Department of Statistics at LMU Munich offers a range of courses in the field of Open Science with special focus on data analysis.

The Statistical Consulting Unit (StaBLab)

The work of the StaBLab focuses particularly on the provision of advisory services to the students of LMU Munich, especially related to the final thesis phase. The Unit's service spectrum is also directed towards researchers at LMU Munich and other universities and institutions.

Information on Statistical Consulting

Machine Learning Consulting Unit

In addition, the Machine Learning Consulting Unit provides advisory services related to the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Advisory services related to machine learning and artificial intelligence

Open Science Center (OSC)

The interdisciplinary Open Science Center at LMU Munich promotes and supports Open Science practices at LMU and beyond. In its function as a central knowledge centre run by and for researchers, it provides support in all practical matters relating to Open Science, including research data management, FAIR data exchange, and data anonymisation. Workshops and training events are held regularly on topics relating to Open Science.

Open Science Center

Servicestelle FDM-DH (RDM-DH Service Centre) of the LMU Center for Digital Humanities

The LMU Center for Digital Humanities (ITG) positions itself as a competence and data centre for the digital humanities, providing a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure for permanent and sustainable data storage. The interdisciplinary focus of the ITG provides a conceptual basis for cross-disciplinary data re-usability, fostering collaboration between the humanities, computer science, statistics and computational linguistics.

Servicestelle FDM-DH (in German)
ITG services in research data management (in German)

LMU external

Learning modules from the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg on studOn (in German)

These e-learning courses offer an introduction to RDM and are available at any time as Open Educational Resources (OER) to anyone interested in the topic; no need to register.

A comprehensive glossary complements the lists of topics:

Research data management glossary (in German)