Statistics databases | Information on the internet | Subject support from the University Library
To make sure your literature searching skills are up to scratch, please take a look at the general information on search techniques under the heading "How do I find ..." in the navigation bar of this web page.
You will find the following resources particularly helpful when conducting literature searches in the field of statistics:
Statistics databases available through the University Library
- Current Index to Statistics
This bibliographical database has been compiled regularly since 1974 and lists some 500 journals and other sources on statistics and related areas. It represents an extremely valuable subject collection of statistics research literature. However, neither does the database itself contain full texts nor does it offer links to full text content licensed by the University Library. - Statistics portal of the federal and regional Statistical Offices
The statistics portal acts as central access point for the basic statistical information provided by the 16 regional Statistical Offices and the Federal Statistical Office. This information consists of a range of data tables listing statistical content relating to the Federal Republic and the Federal States (Bundesländer). Links are provided to the statistical databases "GENESIS online" and "Regionaldatenbank Deutschland" (Regional Database Germany). There is also a register of publications and links to the Research Data Centres. - Source OECD (OECD iLibrary)
The OECD iLibrary is the portal for the publications of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The portal grants access to all studies and statistics databases produced by the OECD and is one of the largest online libraries of data and analysis relating to the economy, society and the environment.
You will find additional databases relating to the field of statistics in the Datenbank-Infosystem DBIS (Database Information System) under the subject heading "Statistik".
Subject information on statistics freely available on the internet
- Academic search engine Google Scholar
This search engine enables you to limit your search exclusively to scholarly literature (book titles, journal articles, technical papers and other material). If the correct settings have been entered you will be able to link directly to journal articles and catalogue records. Please note the information in the section "Google Scholar" in the navigation bar of this web page.
More on linking to the University Library's collections from Google Scholar top
Subject support from the University Library
If you are interested in an introductory or advanced course on literature searching in statistics, please see the University Library's course schedule or get in touch with your statistics subject specialist.
You will find his or her contact details in the service column on the right-hand side of this web page.