European ethnology
You are invited to use the reference collections housed at the Fachbibliothek Englischer Garten for your literature search. You will find further holdings related to the field of cultural studies in other libraries within the University Library system.
Fachbibliothek Englischer Garten
Electronic search resources (databases, e-journals and e-books)
High-quality electronic media can make the work of conducting a literature search a great deal easier. The University Library can offer you a wide range of databases, electronic journals and e-books.
In addition to details of subject-related databases in other related areas of cultural studies the Datenbank-Infosystem (Database Information System) DBIS lists the titles of relevant reference works, dictionaries and full-text databases. You are naturally also free to access the databases of all the other disciplines.
In order to access electronic media licensed by the University Library please ensure you have first logged in via the E-Media Login page. You will find detailed information on this authentication procedure on the E-Medien-Login E-Media Login web pages.
If you have a research-related question on European ethnology your contact partner will be glad to help you. You will find his or her contact details in the service column on the right-hand side of this web page.